Le baobab africain (Adansonia digitata L.): Principales caractéristiques et utilisations

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2005
Authors:A. G. Diop, Sakho, M., Dornier, M., Cisse, M., Reynes, M.
Date Published:2005
Keywords:Adansonia digitata, Africa, Bombacaceae

Introduction. Very characteristic of Sahelian areas, Adansonia digitata L. belongs to the Bombacaceae family. Essentially exploited in a spontaneous state for its fruits or its leaves, the baobab plays an important role in the local traditional cultures.The plant. This very big tree is clearly distinguishable from the other Adansonia species endemic in Madagascar and Australia, mainly by its very large trunk (up to 10 m in diameter), its pendular flowers and its rounded crown. It produces (150 to 300) g dry berries with a woody epicarp, most of the time ovoid, called "monkey bread". These fruits contain many seeds in a whitish and floury pulp. The compounded leaves consist of five to seven digitate leaflets. The baobab distribution area is very large. Very rustic, it is found in most of South Sahara’s semi-arid and sub-humid regions as well as in the west side of Madagascar. The plant phenology depends on the rains profile, flowering and foliation occurring during the rainy season. Pollination is done by bats. The tree can be propagated by seeding or vegetative multiplication.The fruit. It consists of (14 to 28)% of pulp with a low moisture content, acidic, starchy, rich in vitamin C, in calcium and magnesium. After separating of the seeds, the pulp is traditionally used as an ingredient in various preparations or to make beverages. In spite of some deficiency in lysine and the presence of some anti-nutritional factors, the seeds are an interesting protein source. They contain about 15% of lipids. After cooking or grilling, they are either directly consumed or used like thickeners in powder form.The leaves. They are rich in vitamins (especially C and A) and in iron, and contain mucilage (10% dm). The youngest can be consumed as vegetables, but they are often dried and then reduced into powder.Conclusion. Among the food products obtained from the baobab, the fruit pulp seems to have the strongest economic potential. Nevertheless, the local markets have to be evaluated. The development of the production of baobab fruits needs more investigation into the agronomy of the tree.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith