A new genus and species of cave cockroach (Blaberidae: Oxyhaloinae) from Guinea, West Africa

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2003
Authors:L. M. Roth, Naskrecki P.
Journal:Journal of Orthoptera Research
Date Published:2003
Keywords:Blattodea, Chiroptera, Guinea, Pic de Fon, Pteropodidae, Rousettus aegyptiacus, Simandoa conserfariam sp. nov., Simandou Range, West Africa

A new genus and species of ovoviviparous blaberid cockroach, Simandoa conserfariam is described that lives in bat guano in a cave in Guinea, West Africa. The male’s subgenital plate, styles, and genitalia clearly place it in the Blaberidae: Oxyhaloinae: Nauphoetini. It is close to Henschoutedenia and Nauphoeta, but lacks stridulating structures on the pronotum and tegmina which are present in some species of the other 2 genera. The taxon belongs in the “Guanobies” group of cockroaches and lives in bat guano that accumulates not far from the entrance of the cave where light is present: Simandoa shows none of the characteristics of a troglobite (obligate cave-dweller) which, compared to surface dwellers, has reduced eyes and wings.

URL:Roth & Naskrecki 2003.pdf http://dx.doi.org/10.1665/1082-6467(2004)013[0057:ANGASO]2.0.CO;2
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