On the genus Rhinopoma E. Geoffroy 1818, and a record of Rh. muscatellum Thomas 1903 from Yemen

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2001
Authors:D. Kock, Al-Jumaily, M. M., Nasher, A. K.
Journal:Senckenbergiana biol.
Date Published:2001
Keywords:Arabia, Chiroptera, Near East, Rhinopoma microphyllum, Rhinopoma muscatellum, Rhinopomatidae, Yemen

A second species of Rhinopomatidae, the small mouse-tailed bat Rhinopoma muscatellum Thomas 1903, is reported from Hadramaut, southern Yemen; its specific characters reliably differentiate it from all other known species. Currently omitted from all taxonomic considerations, Rh. hadithaensis Khajuria 1988 is formally synonymized with Rh. microphyllum (Brünnich 1782).

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