A new Tadarida of the subgenus Chaerephon (Chiroptera: Molossidae) from São Tomé Island, Gulf of Guinea (West Africa)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1993
Authors:J. J. B., Ibáñez C.
Journal:J. Mamm.
Date Published:1993a
Keywords:Africa, Chaerephon gallagheri, Chaerephon johorensis, Chaerephon pumilus, Chaerephon tomensis sp. nov., Chiroptera, Congo (Kinshasa), Emballonuridae, endemic, evolution, Faunistik, Fledermäuse, Gulf of Guinea, island biogeography, Malaysia, Mammalia, Molossidae, São Tomé, speciation, species richness, sympatric, systematics, Taphozous mauritianus, taxonomy, zoogeography

We describe a population of the genus Tadarida (Molossidae) from São Tomé Island (Gulf of Guinea, West Africa), as a new species based on cranial and interaural-membrane morphology shown in three specimens. These features are shared only with T. (Chaerephon) gallagheri from Zaire and, in part, with T. (C.) johorensis from the Malayan Peninsula, two species that appear to be the closest allies. The families Molossidae (the new species and T. (C.) pumila) and Emballonuridae (Taphozous mauritianus) are recorded for the first time, for the island of São Tomé.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith