A new classification for the subgenera of the genus Acanthophthirius Perkins, with descriptions of twelve new taxa (Acarina, Trombidiformes, Myobiidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1993
Authors:K. Uchikawa, Baker A.
Journal:Systematic Parasitology
Date Published:1993
Keywords:[Myotis] Pizonyx vivesi, [Vespadelus caurinus] Eptesicus pumilus caurinus, Acanthophthirius glauconycteris sp. nov., Acanthophthirius mauritaniensis sp. nov., Acari, Africa, Antrozous dubiaquercus, Arachnida, Asia, Australia, Central America, Chiroptera, ectoparasites, Glauconycteris poensis, Hesperoptenus tickelli, host-parasite coevolution, Lasionycteris noctivagans, Mammalia, Mauritania, Myobiidae, Myotis longipes, North America, Nycticeinops schlieffenii, Nyctophilus macrotis, Otonycteris hemprichii, Pacific, parasitism, Philetor brachypterus, Rhogeessa tumida, Tanzania, taxonomy, Vespertilionidae

The myobiid genus Acanthophthirius Perkins, to date comprising four subgenera, is reviewed and divided into just two subgenera, the nominate subgenus and Myotimyobia Fain. The male genital shield and female opisthogastric sclerites, which are here considered to be part of female genitalia, are adopted as the criteria for dividing the subgenera. These structures are essentially the same in form and position in the subgenus Acanthopthirius in its revised sense, while they are both more heterogeneous in species of the redefined subgenus Myotimyobia. The subgenera Acanthophthirius Fain and Chiromyobia Fain are thought to represent species-groups in the nominate subgenus, named respectively the etheldredae and miniopteri groups. The following one new subspecies and 11 new species are described: A. (A.) womersleyi eptesicus, A. (A.) glauconycteris, A. (A.) mauritaniensis, A. (A.) philetoris, A. (A.) otonycteris, A. (A.) steatocaudatus, A. (A.) nyctophilis, A. (M.) vagus, A. (M.) longus, A. (M.) baueris, A. (A.) hesperopteris (female only) and A. (M.) pixonixeos (female only). A. (M.) hanensis is synonymised with A. (M.) namurensis, and A. (M.) capacini is emended to A. (M.) capaccinii and relegated to a subspecies of A. (M.) myotis. All the known and new species are assigned to their respective subgenera and shown in a table. Incongruent host-relationships of some of the mites are clarified, although not completely solved, by the introduction of the new classification for the subgenera.

URL:Uchikawa & Baker 1993.pdf http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00009979
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith