The endemic mammals of Ethiopia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1992
Authors:D. W. Yalden, Largen M. J.
Journal:Mammal Rev.
Date Published:1992
Keywords:Artiodactyla, biogeography, Carnivora, Chiroptera, conservation, endemism, Ethiopia, Kerivoula eriophora, Lagomorpha, Mammalia, Myotis scotti, Northeast Africa, palaeontology, Primates, Rodentia, Soricidae, Vespertilionidae

Ethiopia is one country where a major habitat block, having a high degree of endemicity in both fauna and flora, is contained within political boundaries. This account reviews the status and distribution of the 30 mammals which are currently believed to be endemic to Ethiopia.

URL:Yalden & Largen 1992.pdf
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