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Literature » Pollination by bats and non-flying mammals of the African tree
Parkia bicolor (Mimosaceae)
Pollination by bats and non-flying mammals of the African tree Parkia bicolor (Mimosaceae)
Publication Type: | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 1990 |
Authors: | R. Grünmeier |
Journal: | Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden |
Volume: | 55 |
Pagination: | 83-104 |
Date Published: | 1990 |
Keywords: | activity patterns, animal-plant interactions, behaviour, Cameroon, Central Africa, Chiroptera, diet, ecology, feeding habits, flowers, food distribution, foraging, Galago, Graphiurus, Korup-National Park, Lissonycteris angolensis, Mammalia, Megaloglossus woermanni, morphology, Nahrung, Nahrungswahl, nectarivory, Parkia bicolor, Perodicticus potto, plants, pollination, Primates, prosimians, Pteropodidae, Rodentia, Rousettus aegyptiacus, Vegetation |