Post-partum oestrus in the little free-tailed bat, Tadarida (Chaerephon) pumila (Microchiroptera: Molossidae) at 24°S

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1987
Authors:M. van der Merwe, Giddings, S. R., Rautenbach, I. L.
Journal:J. Zool. (Lond.)
Date Published:1987
Keywords:Chaerephon pumilus, Chiroptera, Molossidae, ovulation, parturition, polyoestry, post-partum oestrus, reproduction, seasonality, South Africa

Tadarida pumila exhibits post-partum oestrus in the sub-tropical latitudes of Southern Africa. Females nursing their first young of the season were either pregnant or had large Graafian follicles in their right ovaries. Further evidence that ovulation occurs soon after parturition was found in the ovaries, where follicles were developing alongside the corpora lutea of pregnancy. The latter indicates that oestrus occurs following parturition. Furthermore, as opposed to the first pregnancy of the season, the development of the endometrium was found to be less complete in the two subsequent pregnancies of that particular season. This is interpreted as being related to the very short interval between parturition and the following conception.

URL:Van der Merwe et al. 1987.pdf
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