Karyotypes of eleven species of molossid bats from Africa (Mammalia: Chiroptera)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1986
Authors:S. A. Smith, Bickham, J. W., Schlitter, D. A.
Journal:Ann. Carn. Mus.
Date Published:1986
Keywords:Africa, Cameroon, Chaerephon aloysiisabaudiae, Chaerephon ansorgei, Chiroptera, chromosomes, cytogenetics, evolution, Fledermäuse, karyotypes, Mammalia, Molossidae, Mops brachypterus, Mops demonstrator, Mops midas, Mops nanulus, Mops petersoni, Mops spurrelli, Mops thersites, phylogeny, Somalia, speciation, species richness, systematics, taxonomy

Standard karyotypic data are reported for 11 species of mollossid bats collected from Somalia and Cameroun, Africa. Chromosomal data are reported for the first time for Chaerephon ansorgei, C. aloysiisabaudiae, Mops midas, M. spurrelli, M. thersites, M. brachypterus, M. petersoni, M. demonstrator, and M. nanulus (all were formerly members of the genus Tadarida) Karyotypes for two of the species we examined have been reported previously. Although our data corroborate the karyotype of C. pumila described by Dulic and Mutere (1973), our karyotypic analysis of M. condylurus differs substantially from that presented by these authors. In addition to these data, we provide a summary of the available karyotypic data for molossid bats studied to date.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith