Concinnum epomopis Sandground, 1937 (Dicrocoeliidae) from the pancreas of the West African fruit bat Eidolon helvum in Nigeria

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1985
Authors:O. A. Otubanjo
Journal:Z. Parasitenkd.
Date Published:1985
Keywords:Chiroptera, Eidolon helvum, Nigeria, Pteropodidae, West Africa

The natural arthropod and helminth infections of a vast colony of a West African fruit bat Eidolon helvum were studied over a period of 2 years. The seasonal prevalence of a non-specific ectoparasite Cyclopodia greeffi Karsch, 1884 is presented, while the complete absence of endoparasitic infection in the gut is noted. A single helminth infection with Concinnum epomopis Sandground, 1937 (Digenea) in the pancreas was found. This digenean is redescribed and data on the occurrence is presented. Helminth infection as a means of population control of the fruit bat is ruled out, as infections appeared to be accidental; the factors determining the prevalence and frequency of infections are considered. The significant factors responsible for the general overall poor helminth fauna of fruit bats in comparison to the generally diverse helminth fauna of the local insectivorous bats are discussed. Histopathological changes resulting from infection are recorded.

URL:Otubanjo 1985.pdf
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