Postnatal growth and development of thermogenesis in Rousettus aegyptiacus

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1979
Authors:U. G. Noll
Journal:Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A
Date Published:1979b
Keywords:Chiroptera, development, physiology, Pteropodidae, Rousettus aegyptiacus, thermoregulation

1. One-day-old Rousettus aegyptiacus reveal thermoregulatory heat production at least for the first minutes when ambient temperature drops. This metabolic response to cold reaches the adult level in the third week of age.2. Thermoregulation can be proven from the 7th day of life by means of control variations in body temperature.3. The postnatal shift in the set point adjustment of body temperature is shown.4. The calorigenic effect of exogenous noradrenaline is significant after the first week of age reaching its maximum in the third week.

URL:Noll 1979b.pdf
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