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“First Australian Pliocene species of Hipposideros (Microchiroptera: Hipposideridae)”, Rec. West. Aust. Mus., vol. 57, pp. 299-306, 1999.
, “Identification of Ebola virus sequences present as RNA or DNA in organs of terrestrial small mammals of the Central African Republic”, Microbes and Infection, vol. 1, pp. 1193-1201, 1999.
, “Lavia frons”, Mammalian Species, pp. 1-4, 1999.
, “Mops midas”, Mammalian Species, pp. 1-4, 1999.
, “Intraspecific variation in wingspan and echolocation call flexibility might explain the use of different habitats by the insectivorous bat, Miniopterus schreibersii (Vespertilionidae: Miniopterinae)”, Acta Chiropterologica, vol. 1, pp. 93-103, 1999.
, “Nycteris thebaica”, Mammalian Species, pp. 1-8, 1999.
, “Rousettus egyptiacus”, Mammalian Species, pp. 1-9, 1999.
, Mammals of Ghana, Sierra Leone, and The Gambia. Zennor, St. Ives: The Trendine Press, 1999, p. 265.
, “Mammals of the eastern Niger Delta (Rivers and Bayelsa States, Nigeria): An environment affected by a gas-pipeline”, Folia Zool., vol. 48, pp. 249-264, 1999.
, “Metabolism and thermoregulation of individual and clustered long-fingered bats, Miniopterus schreibersii, and the implications for roosting”, S. Afr. J. Zool., vol. 34, pp. 166-172, 1999.
, “Microfaunal remains from a modern East African raptor roost: Patterning and implications for fossil bone scatters”, Paleobiology, vol. 25, pp. 483-503, 1999.
, “Molecular phylogeny and morphological homoplasy in fruitbats”, Mol. Biol. Evol., vol. 16, pp. 1061-1067, 1999.
, Morcegos da Guiné-Bissau: Um Contributo para o seu Conhecimento. Lisboa: IUCN & ICN, 1999, p. 72.
, “Notes on the bats of the Reserve Naturelle Integrale d’Andohahela and surrounding areas of southeastern Madagascar”, Fieldiana: Zoology n.s., vol. 94, pp. 251-257, 1999.
, “Phylogeography of African fruitbats (Megachiroptera)”, Mol. Phylog. Evol., vol. 13, pp. 596-604, 1999.
, “Predictions of mammal diversity on four land masses”, Conserv. Biol., vol. 13, pp. 143-149, 1999.
, “Problems with the identification of southern African Chaerephon (Molossidae), and the possibility of a cryptic species from South Africa and Swaziland”, Acta Chiropterologica, vol. 1, pp. 191-200, 1999.
, “Reproductive ecology of Commerson’s leaf-nosed bats Hipposideros commersoni (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) in South-Central Africa: Interactions between seasonality and large body size; and implications for conservation”, S. Afr. J. Zool., vol. 34, pp. 53-63, 1999.
, “Resource use by two morphologically similar insectivorous bats (Nycteris thebaica and Hipposideros caffer)”, S. Afr. J. Zool., vol. 34, pp. 27-33, 1999.
, “The role of amateurs in the growth of bat conservation and research in South Africa”, S. Afr. J. Zool., vol. 34, pp. 19-26, 1999.
, “The role of roosts as hotspots in court-displaying Hypsignathus monstrosus”, Bat Research News, vol. 40, p. 172, 1999.
, “The role of the fruit bat, Eidolon helvum, in seed survivorship and germination in Milicia excelsa, a threatened West African hardwood”, Bat Research News, vol. 40, pp. 194-195, 1999.
, “Roost habitat evaluation and distribution of bats (Chiroptera) in the Durban Metropolitan Region”, Durban Mus. Novit., vol. 24, pp. 62-71, 1999.
, “Säugetiere des Südlichen Afrika. Eine Illustierte Enzyklopädie”. Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft, Köln, p. 365, 1999.
, “A search for Ebola virus in animals in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cameroon: Ecologic, virologic, and serologic surveys, 1979-1980”, J. Inf. Dis., vol. 179, pp. 139-147, 1999.