Jakob Fahr

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D. M. Avery, Avery, G., and Palmer, N. G., Micromammalian distribution and abundance in the Western Cape Province, South Africa, as evidenced by barn owls Tyto alba (Scopoli), J. nat. Hist., vol. 39, pp. 2047-2071, 2005.
T. C. Kearney and Seamark, E. C. J., Morphometric analysis of cranial and external characters of Laephotis Thomas, 1901 (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from southern Africa, Ann. Transv. Mus., vol. 42, pp. 71-87, 2005.
A. D. Yoder, Olson, L. E., Hanley, C., Heckman, K. L., Rasoloarison, R. M., Russell, A. L., Ranivo, J., Soarimalala, V., Karanth, K. P., Raselimanana, A. P., and Goodman, S. M., A multidimensional approach for detecting species patterns in Malagasy vertebrates, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 102, pp. 6587-6594, 2005.
X. Pourrut, Kumulungui, B., Wittmann, T., Moussavou, G., Délicat, A., Yaba, P., Nkoghe, D., Gonzalez, J. - P., and Leroy, E. M., The natural history of Ebola virus in Africa, Microbes and Infection, vol. 7, pp. 1005-1014, 2005.
J. M. Padial and Ibáñez, C., New records and comments for the Mauritanian mammal fauna, Mammalia, vol. 69, pp. 239-243, 2005.
M. Happold, A new species of Myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from central Africa, Acta Chiropterologica, vol. 7, pp. 9-21, 2005.
G. N. Eick, Jacobs, D. S., and Matthee, C. A., A nuclear DNA phylogenetic perspective on the evolution of echolocation and historical biogeography of extant bats (Chiroptera), Mol. Biol. Evol., vol. 22, pp. 1869-1886, 2005.
M. van der Merwe and Mostert, T., Ovarian activity and early embryonic development in the rusty bat, Pipistrellus rusticus, African Zoology, vol. 40, pp. 45-54, 2005.
T. Matthews, Denys, C., and Parkington, J. E., The palaeoecology of the micromammals from the late middle Pleistocene site of Hoedjiespunt 1 (Cape Province, South Africa), Journal of Human Evolution, vol. 49, pp. 432-451, 2005.
R. G. Trujillo, Phylogenetics of the Genus Scotophilus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae): Perspectives from Paternally and Maternally Inherited Genomes with Emphasis on African Species. Texas A&M University: Ph.D. Thesis, 2005, p. xv+91 pp.
N. Weber, Raumnutzung und Fouragierverhalten des afrikanischen Langzungenflughundes Megaloglossus woermanni (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) im Lama-Wald, Benin, Westafrika. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: Diploma Thesis, 2005, p. 84.
A. Monadjem, Cohen, L., and De Wet, K., Rediscovery of the short-eared trident bat (Cloeotis percivali Thomas 1901) in Swaziland, African Bat Conservation News, vol. 6, pp. 2-3, 2005.
M. Raheriarisena, Régime alimentaire de Pteropus rufus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) dans la région sub-aride du sud de Madagascar, Rev. écol. (Terre Vie), vol. 60, pp. 255-264, 2005.
R. A. Holland, Winter, P., and Waters, D. A., Sensory systems and spatial memory in the fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus, Ethology, vol. 111, pp. 715-725, 2005.
P. Benda and A. s}, K. {\c, On some Mediterranean populations of bats of the Myotis mystacinus morpho-group (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae), Lynx, vol. 36, pp. 9-38, 2005.
T. C. Kearney, Systematic Revision of Southern African Species in the Genera Eptesicus, Neoromicia, Hypsugo and Pipistrellus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban: Ph.D. Thesis, 2005.
D. N. Reed, Taphonomic implications of roosting behavior and trophic habits in two species of African owl, Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 32, pp. 1669-1676, 2005.
M. Keith, Chimimba, C. T., Reyers, B., and van Jaarsveld, A. S., Taxonomic and phylogenetic distinctiveness in regional conservation assessments: A case study based on extant South African Chiroptera and Carnivora, Animal Conservation, vol. 8, pp. 279-288, 2005.
C. F. J. Meyer, Schwarz, C. J., and Fahr, J., Activity patterns and habitat preferences of insectivorous bats in a West African forest-savanna mosaic, J. Trop. Ecol., vol. 20, pp. 397-407, 2004.
J. O’Brien and Hayden, T. J., The application of genetic research to the conservation of fruit bats in the western Indian Ocean, Phelsuma, vol. 12, pp. 141-146, 2004.
M. Sylla, Pourrut, X., Faye, N., Bâ, K., Cornet, J. - P., and Camicas, J. - L., Argasidae (Acari: Ixodida) parasites of wild and domestic animals in Senegal: I - Review and distribution, Acarologia, vol. 44, pp. 137-149, 2004.
O. Sikazwe and de Waele, B., Assessment of the quality and reserves of bat guano at Chipongwe and Kapongo caves near Lusaka as fertiliser material, Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 1, pp. 32-42, 2004.
P. W. Webala, Oguge, N. O., and Bekele, A., Bat species diversity and distribution in three vegetation communities of Meru National Park, Kenya, Afr. J. Ecol., vol. 42, pp. 171-179, 2004.
E. C. J. Seamark and Kearney, T. C., Bats (Chiroptera) of Ithala Game Reserve, northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Durban Mus. Novit., vol. 29, pp. 1-4, 2004.
A. M. Hutson, The bats of Aldabra atoll, Seychelles, Phelsuma, vol. 12, pp. 126-132, 2004.


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