Jakob Fahr

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D. W. Thomas, The annual migrations of three species of West African fruit bats (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae), Can. J. Zool., vol. 61, pp. 2266-2272, 1983.
J. S. Findley and Wilson, D. E., Are bats rare in tropical Africa?, Biotropica, vol. 15, pp. 299-303, 1983.
W. Bergmans and Jachmann, H., Bat records from Malawi (Mammalia, Chiroptera), Bull. zool. Mus. Univ. Amsterdam, vol. 9, pp. 117-122, 1983.
A. G. Marshall, Bats, flowers and fruit: Evolutionary relationships in the Old World, Biol. J. Linn. Soc., vol. 20, pp. 115-135, 1983.
J. - C. Beaucournu, Bach-Hamba, D., Launay, H., Hellal, H., and Chastel, C., Deux chiroptères peu connus de Tunisie, Mammalia, vol. 47, pp. 127-128, 1983.
M. W. Haiduk, Evolution in the Family Pteropodidae (Chiroptera: Megachiroptera) as Indicated by Chromosomal and Immunoelectrophoretic Analyses. Texas Tech University: Ph.D. Thesis, 1983, p. viii+93 pp.
M. B. Fenton, Gaudet, C. L., and Leonard, M. L., Feeding behaviour of the bats Nycteris grandis and Nycteris thebaica (Nycteridae) in captivity, J. Zool. (Lond.), vol. 200, pp. 347-354, 1983.
E. J. Hill, Further records of bats from the Central African Republic (Mammalia: Chiroptera), Ann. Carn. Mus., vol. 52, pp. 55-58, 1983.
K. Hustler, Incubatory behaviour of the bat hawk, Ostrich, vol. 54, pp. 156-160, 1983.
V. Hanák and Gaisler, J., Nyctalus leisleri (Kühl, 1818), une espèce nouvelle pour le continent africain, Mammalia, vol. 47, pp. 585-587, 1983.
I. A. Nader and Kock, D., Rhinopoma microphyllum asirensis n. subsp. from southwestern Saudi Arabia (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Rhinopomatidae), Senckenbergiana biol., vol. 63, pp. 147-152, 1983.
E. Duxoux, La pollinisation des fleurs de baobab est-elle seulement le fait des mâles de la rousette paillée Eidolon helvum?, Rev. écol. (Terre Vie), vol. 38, pp. 229-231, 1983.
C. D. Lynch, The mammals of the Orange Free State, Mem. nas. Mus., Bloemfontein, vol. 18, pp. 1-218, 1983.
J. S. Findley and Black, H. L., Morphological and dietary structuring of a Zambian insectivorous bat community, Ecology, vol. 64, pp. 625-630, 1983.
F. Dusbábek, A new ereynetid nasal mite, Neospeleognathopsis (Speleomyotis) tadaridae sp. n. from Uganda (Acarina: Prostigmata), Folia Parasitologica, vol. 30, pp. 355-356, 1983.
I. A. Nader and Kock, D., A new slit-faced bat from central Saudi Arabia (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Nycteridae), Senckenbergiana biol., vol. 63, pp. 9-15, 1983.
I. A. Nader and Kock, D., Notes on some bats from the Near East (Mammalia: Chiroptera), Z. Säugetierk., vol. 48, pp. 1-9, 1983.
J. - C. Beaucournu and Fain, A., Notes sur les Ischnopsyllinae du Continent Africain (Siphonaptera), Rev. Zool. Afr., vol. 97, pp. 453-468, 1983.
J. Gaisler, Nouvelles données sur les Chiroptères du nord algérien, Mammalia, vol. 47, pp. 359-369, 1983.
A. A. Green, Rodents and bats of Arli and Pendjari National Parks, Upper Volta and Benin, Nigerian Field, vol. 47, pp. 167-184, 1983.


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