Jakob Fahr

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A. N. McWilliam, Adaptive Responses to Seasonality in Four Species of Microchiroptera in Coastal Kenya. University of Aberdeen: Ph.D. Thesis, 1982, p. 290.
M. B. Qumsiyeh and Schlitter, D. A., The bat fauna of Jabal Al Akhdar, northeast Libya, Ann. Carn. Mus., vol. 51, pp. 377-389, 1982.
D. B. Hanmer and Blackwood, J. G. V., A bat-eating kestrel, Ostrich, vol. 53, pp. 188-189, 1982.
D. A. Schlitter, Robbins, L. W., and Buchanan, S. A., Bats of the Central African Republic (Mammalia: Chiroptera), Ann. Carn. Mus., vol. 51, pp. 133-155, 1982.
D. D. Richman, Cleveland, P. H., Oxman, M. N., and Johnson, K. M., The binding of staphylococcal protein A by the sera of different animal species, Journal of Immunology, vol. 128, pp. 2300-2305, 1982.
J. Dorst, Découverte de Taphozous nudiventris dans l’A{\"ır (Chiroptères), Mammalia, vol. 46, pp. 407-408, 1982.
J. W. Hermanson, Woods, C. A., and Howell, K. M., Dental ontogeny in the Old World leaf-nosed bats (Rhinolophidae, Hipposiderinae), J. Mamm., vol. 63, pp. 527-529, 1982.
J. H. Fullard, Echolocation assemblages and their effects on moth auditory systems, Can. J. Zool., vol. 60, pp. 2572-2576, 1982.
R. J. Wolton, Arak, P. A., Godfray, H. C. J., and Wilson, R. P., Ecological and behavioural studies of the Megachiroptera at Mount Nimba, Liberia, with notes on Microchiroptera, Mammalia, vol. 46, pp. 419-448, 1982.
A. G. Marshall and McWilliam, A. N., Ecological observations on epomophorine fruit-bats (Megachiroptera) in West African savanna woodland, J. Zool. (Lond.), vol. 198, pp. 53-67, 1982.
D. W. Thomas, The Ecology of an African Savanna Fruit Bat Community: Resource Partitioning and Role in Seed Dispersal. University of Aberdeen: Ph.D. Thesis, 1982, p. vii + 206 pp.
J. Baranga and Kiregyera, B., Estimation of the fruit bat population in the Kampala Bat Valley, Uganda, Afr. J. Ecol., vol. 20, pp. 223-229, 1982.
A. Demeter and Topál, G., Ethiopian mammals in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Annls. hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., vol. 74, pp. 331-349, 1982.
R. T. F. Bernard and Meester, J. A. J., Female reproduction and the female reproductive cycle of Hipposideros caffer caffer (Sundevall, 1846) in Natal, South Africa, Ann. Transv. Mus., vol. 33, pp. 131-144, 1982.
I. L. Rautenbach and Espie, I. W., First records of occurrence for two species of bats in the Kruger National Park, Koedoe, vol. 25, pp. 111-112, 1982.
S. Legendre, Hipposideridae (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from the Mediterranean middle and late Neogene, and the evolution of the genera Hipposideros and Asellia, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, vol. 2, pp. 372-385, 1982.
M. van der Merwe, Histological study of implantation in the Natal clinging bat (Miniopterus schreibersii natalensis), J. Reprod. Fert., vol. 65, pp. 319-323, 1982.
J. Verschuren, Hope for Liberia, Oryx, vol. 16, pp. 421-427, 1982.
J. - C. Beaucournu and Fain, A., Allopsylla hetera gen. n., sp. n. (Siphonaptera: Ischnopsyllidae) d’Afrique Centra1e, Rev. Zool. Afr., vol. 96, pp. 559-569, 1982.
R. Hutterer and Joger, U., Kleinsäuger aus dem Hochland von Adamaoua, Kamerun, Bonn. zool. Beitr., vol. 33, pp. 119-132, 1982.
I. L. Rautenbach, Mammals of the Transvaal. Pretoria: Ecoplan Monograph, N° 1, Ecoplan, 1982, p. 211.


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