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“Thermal preference of Schreiber’s long-fingered (Miniopterus schreiberisii) and Cape horseshoe (Rhinolophus capensis) bats”, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A, vol. 107, pp. 439-449, 1994.
, “An asymmetric dental formula in a mammal, the São Tomé Island fruit bat Myonycteris brachycephala (Mammalia: Megachiroptera)”, Can. J. Zool., vol. 71, pp. 221-224, 1993.
, Bats – a Community Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993, p. xii+166 pp.
, “Beobachtungen und Untersuchungen an Säugetieren der Insel São Tomé (Golf von Guinea) (Mammalia)”, Faun. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, vol. 19, pp. 21-35, 1993.
, “Bestäubung der Fabaceae Mucuna flagellipes durch Flughunde in Kamerun”, in Animal-Plant Interactions in Tropical Environments, Bonn: Zool. Forschungsinst. Museum A. Koenig, 1993, pp. 29-39.
, “Capturing free-tailed bats (Chiroptera: Molossidae): The description of a new trapping device”, J. Zool. (Lond.), vol. 231, pp. 645-651, 1993.
, “Comparative ultrastructural morphometric analysis of atrial specific granules in the bat, mouse, and rat”, Anatomical Record, vol. 235, pp. 87-94, 1993.
, “Die Fledermausfliegen der Insel São Tomé (Golf von Guinea): Taxonomie, Wirtsbindung und Zoogeographie (Insecta: Diptera: Nycteribiidae et Streblidae)”, Faun. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, vol. 19, pp. 89-97, 1993.
, “Echolocation, flight morphology and foraging strategies of some West African hipposiderid bats”, J. Zool. (Lond.), vol. 230, pp. 385-400, 1993.
, “Effect of water restriction on energy and water balance and osmoregulation of the fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus”, J. Comp. Physiol. B, vol. 163, pp. 401-405, 1993.
, “Effect of water restriction on temperature regulation of the fruit-bat Rousettus aegyptiacus”, Journal of Thermal Biology, vol. 18, pp. 61-69, 1993.
, “Filovirus activity among selected ethnic groups inhabiting the tropical forest of equatorial Africa”, Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg., vol. 87, pp. 536-538, 1993.
, “The food habits of the barn owl Tyto alba at three sites on Madagascar”, Ostrich, vol. 64, pp. 160-171, 1993.
, “Food habits of the Madagascar long-eared owl Asio madagascariensis in two habitats in southern Madagascar”, Ostrich, vol. 64, pp. 79-85, 1993.
, “Geographic variation and taxonomy of Rousettus aegyptiacus (Mammalia: Megachiroptera) in the islands of the Gulf of Guinea”, Zool. J. Linn. Soc., vol. 107, pp. 117-129, 1993.
, “Bewsiella Domrow (Acarina: Mesostigmata): A revision and the description of new species”, Systematic Parasitology, vol. 24, pp. 81-97, 1993.
, “Isolation of Lecythophora mutabilis and Wangiella dermatitidis from the fruit eating bat Eidolon helvum”, Mycopathologia, vol. 122, pp. 95-100, 1993.
, “Karyotypic data and attendant systematic implications for the bats of southern Africa”, Koedoe, vol. 36, pp. 87-104, 1993.
, “A less-than-annual breeding cycle in a pair of African bat hawks Macheiramphus alcinus”, Ibis, vol. 135, pp. 456-458, 1993.
, “Long-fingered bats of the genus Miniopterus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Madagascar”, Mammalia, vol. 57, pp. 401-405, 1993.
, “A new classification for the subgenera of the genus Acanthophthirius Perkins, with descriptions of twelve new taxa (Acarina, Trombidiformes, Myobiidae)”, Systematic Parasitology, vol. 25, pp. 81-108, 1993.
, “A new Tadarida of the subgenus Chaerephon (Chiroptera: Molossidae) from São Tomé Island, Gulf of Guinea (West Africa)”, J. Mamm., vol. 74, pp. 901-907, 1993.
, “Notes on a collection of small mammals from the Ethiopian Rift Valley”, Mammalia, vol. 57, pp. 278-282, 1993.
, “Nouvelles données sur le genre Myopterus. Le statut de Myopterus daubentonii Desmarest, 1820 (Chiroptera: Molossidae)”, Rev. suisse Zool., vol. 100, pp. 317-326, 1993.
, “Order Chiroptera”, in Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 2nd ed.nd ed., Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993, pp. 137-241.