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“Mating system of the bat Miniopterus minor (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Kenya, East Africa: A lek?”, Ethology, vol. 85, pp. 302-312, 1990.
, “New distribution records for four mammal species, with notes on their taxonomy and ecology”, Koedoe, vol. 33, pp. 1-7, 1990.
, “A new species, males and immature stages of Ancystropus with reference to apomorphic characters and their mode of development (Acarina: Spinturnicidae)”, Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology, vol. 41, pp. 29-49, 1990.
, “Pollination by bats and non-flying mammals of the African tree Parkia bicolor (Mimosaceae)”, Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, vol. 55, pp. 83-104, 1990.
, “Polytocy in the Cape serotine bat Eptesicus capensis (A. Smith 1829) from the southern African subregion.”, S. Afr. J. Zool., vol. 25, pp. 200-203, 1990.
, “Record of Hipposideros (Syndesmotis) megalotis (Heuglin) in Saudi Arabia”, Mammalia, vol. 54, pp. 653-654, 1990.
, “Reproduction in the rusty bat, Pipistrellus rusticus, in the northern Transvaal bushveld, South Africa”, J. Reprod. Fert., vol. 89, pp. 537-542, 1990.
, “Reproductive strategies of bats in Africa”, J. Zool. (Lond.), vol. 222, pp. 557-583, 1990.
, “Roosting requirements and behaviour of five bat species at De Hoop Guano Cave, southern Cape Province of South Africa”, S. Afr. J. Wildl. Res., vol. 20, pp. 157-161, 1990.
, “Roosting, vocalizations, and foraging behaviour by the African bat, Nycteris thebaica”, J. Mamm., vol. 71, pp. 242-246, 1990.
, “Systematic and distributional notes on the larger species of the genus Epomophorus Bennet, 1836 (Chiroptera, Pteropodidae)”, in Vertebrates in the Tropics. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Vertebrate Biogeography and Systematics in the Tropics, Bonn: Zool. Forschungsinst. Museum A. Koenig, 1990, pp. 177-186.
, “Westward range extension of Temminck’s hairy bat in South Africa and Lesotho”, S. Afr. J. Wildl. Res., vol. 20, pp. 119-120, 1990.
, “The adaptive significance of reproductive delay phenomena in some South African Microchiroptera”, Mammal Rev., vol. 19, pp. 27-34, 1989.
, “Are figs keystone resources for tropical frugivorous vertebrates? A test in Gabon”, Ecology, vol. 70, pp. 1826-1833, 1989.
, “Arthropod inhabitants of a tropical cave ’island’ environment provisioned by bats”, Biol. Conservation, vol. 48, pp. 77-84, 1989.
, Catálogo de Murciélagos de las Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, 1989, p. 54.
, “Emergence behaviour of the bat Tadarida (Chaerephon) pumila (Chiroptera: Molossidae) in Ghana, West Africa”, J. Zool. (Lond.), vol. 219, pp. 698-701, 1989.
, “Head size and the foraging behaviour of animal-eating bats”, Can. J. Zool., vol. 67, pp. 2029-2035, 1989.
, “Epomophorus gambianus”, Mammalian Species, pp. 1-5, 1989.
, “Karyotypes of two nycterid bats from Somalia”, Mammalia, vol. 53, pp. 120-121, 1989.
, “Les chauves-souris (Chiroptera) dans le régime alimentaire des rapaces nocturnes (Strigiformes) au Maroc”, in European Bat Research 1987, Praha: Charles University Press, 1989, pp. 457-464.
, “A list of Angolan Chiroptera with notes on their distribution”, Garcia de Orta, Sér. Zool., vol. 13, pp. 7-48, 1989.
, “Liste des Capillaria (Nematoda, Capillariinae) parasites de Mammifères africains”, Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat. (4), section A, vol. 11, pp. 755-762, 1989.
, “Longevity in Schreibers’ long-fingered bat”, S. Afr. J. Wildl. Res., vol. 19, pp. 87-89, 1989.
, “The male reproductive pattern and histology of the testes of the lesser yellow house bat, Scotophilus borbonicus (E. Geoffroy, 1803) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)”, Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, vol. 60, pp. 83-86, 1989.